So, let me get this right...if we got rid of all those nasty, anti-abortion, gun-toting Evangelicals we'd be in good shape, huh?
My take is the same as it's always been. Middle of the road. Not too far left, and not too far right. There's less snakes there than in the grass.
And I thank God - whoever or whatever that power might be...He, She, It, Whatever that is - something greater than me, myself and I - that I live in a DEMOCRATIC [and that does not mean the Democratic Party] country where everyone gets one vote and the MAJORITY rules. At least that is supposed to be how it works. I thought we were supposed to be a nation that allows and encourages differences. What happened to that?
Unfortunately, I believe respect for those basic principals has been destroyed in the last 8 years by all the Bush-hating rhetoric, and that we have become a nation of self-serving whiners who refuse to play by the rules or believe that balance is best. Now you have to be all Blue or all Red? All right or all wrong? What the Hell is that?
I long for the innocence and ignorance of the good ol' Kennedy/LBJ Democratic days. Ha! Now there's a joke. I was a big Kennedy fan...when I was young and stupid. But we all know now what a womanizer he was, and how his crime boss daddy bought the election and that LBJ was a politician from the inside out - probably one of the most crooked ever known. But they got some good stuff done, didn't they? So go figure.
I want universal health care too! And not to be prosecuted retroactively for the two abortions I've had, which were no fun, by the way. And to have enough money to buy gas for my car so I can drive wherever and whenever I want. And a good education for my grandsons. And trees to hug.
But somebody's got to pay for all that. Guess who that is.
We all need to learn from history. Rome fell because it rotted inside. So give me something better than pretty speeches, or Saturday Night Live jokes, is what I say.
My take is the same as it's always been. Middle of the road. Not too far left, and not too far right. There's less snakes there than in the grass.
And I thank God - whoever or whatever that power might be...He, She, It, Whatever that is - something greater than me, myself and I - that I live in a DEMOCRATIC [and that does not mean the Democratic Party] country where everyone gets one vote and the MAJORITY rules. At least that is supposed to be how it works. I thought we were supposed to be a nation that allows and encourages differences. What happened to that?
Unfortunately, I believe respect for those basic principals has been destroyed in the last 8 years by all the Bush-hating rhetoric, and that we have become a nation of self-serving whiners who refuse to play by the rules or believe that balance is best. Now you have to be all Blue or all Red? All right or all wrong? What the Hell is that?
I long for the innocence and ignorance of the good ol' Kennedy/LBJ Democratic days. Ha! Now there's a joke. I was a big Kennedy fan...when I was young and stupid. But we all know now what a womanizer he was, and how his crime boss daddy bought the election and that LBJ was a politician from the inside out - probably one of the most crooked ever known. But they got some good stuff done, didn't they? So go figure.
I want universal health care too! And not to be prosecuted retroactively for the two abortions I've had, which were no fun, by the way. And to have enough money to buy gas for my car so I can drive wherever and whenever I want. And a good education for my grandsons. And trees to hug.
But somebody's got to pay for all that. Guess who that is.
We all need to learn from history. Rome fell because it rotted inside. So give me something better than pretty speeches, or Saturday Night Live jokes, is what I say.